Alert!! --- MTA Light Rail Project Petition!!!
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Petitioning Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transit Authority
Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transit Authority: Build Crenshaw/LAX Rail Line below grade at Florence/Centinela crossing
Petition by
An at-grade crossing at Florence and Centinela poses unique safety hazards not fully evaluated or appreciated by Metro staff. The topography of the intersection, proximity to two schools, a large public park, a large church, blind corner, awkward roadway configuration, close proximity to residential properties, the lack of north-south arterials in N. Inglewood due to Prairie ending at Ed Vincent Park at Florence, Centinela ending at St. John’s Church at Florence, and the high-speed of cars traveling through this intersection all necessitate grade separation for safety reasons alone.
The high frequency of funeral processions in the immediate vicinity due to the close proximity of St. John’s Church and Inglewood Park Cemetery to the crossing would push funeral procession routes to already overburdened streets like La Brea and Crenshaw, creating more traffic congestion from a project intended to address transportation challenges.
The Los Angeles County Fire Station located on Centinela is currently closed and the additional rush hour traffic congestion from the Light Rail crossing at grade would necessitate re-opening the Fire Station to keep emergency response times reasonable. Re-opening the Fire Station would cost more than placing the Rail Line below grade at Centinela and Florence.
Light Rail lines being built in affluent areas in Southern California have zero at-grade crossings at major intersections and it is not fair from an environmental justice perspective to burden Inglewood with this poor and dangerous design.
Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transit Authority
Build Crenshaw/LAX Rail Line below grade at Florence/Centinela crossing
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