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Tues, 11-27 @ 7pm Council Meeting Alert!!!!

Dear Friends and Neighbors!

Attention! Come and let Mayor Butts know you will not stand for your elected representatives being silenced at City Council!

When:          Tuesday, November 27th at 7pm 

Where:        City Hall 9th Floor Council Chambers (1 Manchester Blvd. access from La Brea between Manchester and Florence)

I have been successful at challenging and persuading the Inglewood City Council and Staff to modify policy, try harder and research further to resolve long-standing issues like the stalled residential sound insulation program and stalled street repaving projects utilizing Council Initiatives. On Tuesday night the Mayor and Council are going to attempt to take away this long-held right of the Council especially targeting your District 1 Council person the results of which will be to further stifle transparency and the free flow of information about the governing of our great City, Inglewood. I am a firm believer in transparency in Government, if problems are not brought out of the back rooms and discussed in the open Council or public meetings they never get solved!

Come to the council meeting and let my colleagues know that you absolutely do not support Mayor Butt’s attempted power grab with Agenda Item CI-1. We have problems we need to discuss in public Council meetings and we must solve including getting our homes sound insulated and our streets repaved!

See the full text of CI-1 here.



Mike Stevens

310 412 8602