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Tues, 1-15 @ 7pm Council Meeting Alert!!!!

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

During his watch, Mayor Butts prompted Moody’s Investment
Services to downgrade the City of Inglewood's bond ratings, has allowed blight to continue to rot Districts 3 and 4,
has closed a library and continues to allow a Sound Insula-
tion Department to flounder—pitting resident against resident
for who shall receive sound insulation, and who shall not.

Now he wants afternoon council meetings so you can lose
money taking time off from work—and possibly losing your
job and your home—so he can get home early and have
an even shorter 4-day “work” week.

Sound insulation, street re-paving and funding can all be lost
because of afternoon sweet-heart back-room deals to
developers and friends, resulting in higher taxes for you and
me, without you being present.

Tuesday night, stand strong with Councilman Mike Stevens
and object to the introduction of an Ordinance amending
Chapter 2, Article 8 of the Inglewood Municipal Code to es-
tablish 1:00 p.m. meeting times of the City Council on the 1st
and 3rd Tuesdays of the month. Let Mayor Butts know that
the senior citizens in Inglewood are grown adults who go out
to movies, dinner and city council meetings at night. This or-
dinance in itself lends the perception that Inglewood is un-
safe. If you cannot be safe at city hall next to the police sta-
tion, where would he suggest you be safest?

This ordinance is a BAD IDEA. Be sure to show up this
Tuesday night (Jan. 15) at 7 pm. Arrive a little early
so you can get a good seat—and speak your mind!