Upcoming Events:


Final April 2nd Election Results!

We are in a runoff Election June 11th!

Councilman Mike Stevens

(Photo and caption above excerpted from Wave Newspapers 4/8/13 Edition http://wavenewspapers.com/) 




Tues, 1-15 @ 7pm Council Meeting Alert!!!!

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

During his watch, Mayor Butts prompted Moody’s Investment
Services to downgrade the City of Inglewood's bond ratings, has allowed blight to continue to rot Districts 3 and 4,
has closed a library and continues to allow a Sound Insula-
tion Department to flounder—pitting resident against resident
for who shall receive sound insulation, and who shall not.

Now he wants afternoon council meetings so you can lose
money taking time off from work—and possibly losing your
job and your home—so he can get home early and have
an even shorter 4-day “work” week.

Sound insulation, street re-paving and funding can all be lost
because of afternoon sweet-heart back-room deals to
developers and friends, resulting in higher taxes for you and
me, without you being present.

Tuesday night, stand strong with Councilman Mike Stevens
and object to the introduction of an Ordinance amending
Chapter 2, Article 8 of the Inglewood Municipal Code to es-
tablish 1:00 p.m. meeting times of the City Council on the 1st
and 3rd Tuesdays of the month. Let Mayor Butts know that
the senior citizens in Inglewood are grown adults who go out
to movies, dinner and city council meetings at night. This or-
dinance in itself lends the perception that Inglewood is un-
safe. If you cannot be safe at city hall next to the police sta-
tion, where would he suggest you be safest?

This ordinance is a BAD IDEA. Be sure to show up this
Tuesday night (Jan. 15) at 7 pm. Arrive a little early
so you can get a good seat—and speak your mind!


Alert!! --- MTA Light Rail Project Petition!!!

 [Click this link to sign the petition]

Petitioning Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transit Authority

Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transit Authority: Build Crenshaw/LAX Rail Line below grade at Florence/Centinela crossing

Petition by

Mike Stevens Councilman District 1 City of Inglewood & the Environmental Justice for Light Rail Coalition

An at-grade crossing at Florence and Centinela poses unique safety hazards not fully evaluated or appreciated by Metro staff. The topography of the intersection, proximity to two schools, a large public park, a large church, blind corner, awkward roadway configuration, close proximity to residential properties, the lack of north-south arterials in N. Inglewood due to Prairie ending at Ed Vincent Park at Florence, Centinela ending at St. John’s Church at Florence, and the high-speed of cars traveling through this intersection all necessitate grade separation for safety reasons alone.

The high frequency of funeral processions in the immediate vicinity due to the close proximity of St. John’s Church and Inglewood Park Cemetery to the crossing would push funeral procession routes to already overburdened streets like La Brea and Crenshaw, creating more traffic congestion from a project intended to address transportation challenges.

The Los Angeles County Fire Station located on Centinela is currently closed and the additional rush hour traffic congestion from the Light Rail crossing at grade would necessitate re-opening the Fire Station to keep emergency response times reasonable. Re-opening the Fire Station would cost more than placing the Rail Line below grade at Centinela and Florence.

Light Rail lines being built in affluent areas in Southern California have zero at-grade crossings at major intersections and it is not fair from an environmental justice perspective to burden Inglewood with this poor and dangerous design.

Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transit Authority

Build Crenshaw/LAX Rail Line below grade at Florence/Centinela crossing

[Click this link to sign the petition]



Tues, 11-27 @ 7pm Council Meeting Alert!!!!

Dear Friends and Neighbors!

Attention! Come and let Mayor Butts know you will not stand for your elected representatives being silenced at City Council!

When:          Tuesday, November 27th at 7pm 

Where:        City Hall 9th Floor Council Chambers (1 Manchester Blvd. access from La Brea between Manchester and Florence)

I have been successful at challenging and persuading the Inglewood City Council and Staff to modify policy, try harder and research further to resolve long-standing issues like the stalled residential sound insulation program and stalled street repaving projects utilizing Council Initiatives. On Tuesday night the Mayor and Council are going to attempt to take away this long-held right of the Council especially targeting your District 1 Council person the results of which will be to further stifle transparency and the free flow of information about the governing of our great City, Inglewood. I am a firm believer in transparency in Government, if problems are not brought out of the back rooms and discussed in the open Council or public meetings they never get solved!

Come to the council meeting and let my colleagues know that you absolutely do not support Mayor Butt’s attempted power grab with Agenda Item CI-1. We have problems we need to discuss in public Council meetings and we must solve including getting our homes sound insulated and our streets repaved!

See the full text of CI-1 here.



Mike Stevens

310 412 8602



Avoiding Foreclosure Workshops

Greetings Friends and Neighbors:

While campaigning to be your District 1 Councilman I became very much more aware of all the pain a unlucky few of my friends and neighbors in District 1 were going through, losing their homes primarily due to being robbed by unscrupulous lenders. After many discussions with those folks in process of losing their homes I came to the realization that a lot of foreclosures could have been avoided simply if my friends and neighbors had been better educated about foreclosure avoidance options. To assist my constituents I created a Foreclosure Assistance Initiative a portion of which provided for Foreclosure Avoidance Counseling which passed with a unanimous vote of the Council 9/13/2011. Click here to view the full text of my Foreclosure Assistance Initiative. I'm happy to announce the second City of Inglewood sponsored Foreclosure Avoidance Workshop in the Series:

When: Monday, October 22, 2012
Where: One Manchester Boulevard
1st Floor, Community Room A
Time: 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Presentations By:
· Helen Lechner, Broker for Worldwide Realty, Inc.;
· Representative from Chase Bank;
· Kellina Lawrie, Community Advisory Representative; and
· Jim Carollo, Vice President of First American Title Company
· Dawn Wiley, Smart Realty Solutions

To guarantee a seat it is recommended that you register at
120 seats available

Please share with your friends and neighbors, especially those whom you may know that might be going through trying times financially.


Councilman Stevens
District 1
City of Inglewood