Councilman Stevens discusses a possible future for Inglewood
Councilman Stevens discusses examples of bad government in Inglewood and what good government could be
Councilman Stevens outworks his colleages so the Mayor proposes to shut down individual Council Members ability to do Council Initiatives
Mayor Butts grabs authoritarian control of council and shuts down debate by limiting Councilman Stevens ability to do Council Initiatives
City of Inglewood has not been holding LAX to the terms of the settlement agreement
Mayor Butts can't handle a tie vote and fire alarms are pulled to send Councilman Stevens and his fellow Council members home early
Councilman Stevens discusses complications of Endeavour's move
Councilman Stevens points out mismanagement contributed to the state takeover of IUSD
Councilman Stevens discusses issues besides the poor economy contributing to the IUSD takeover
Councilman Stevens points out what would have been a better route for the Endeavour through Inglewood
Councilman Stevens against the Outsourcing of Inglewood Parking Enforcement
Councilman Stevens against Low Income Housing in Inglewood
Mayor Butts and City Manager Artie Fields censor Inglewood public access Channel 35
Mayor Butts and City Manager Fields did not let Councilman Stevens discuss City Business with City Staff unless cleared by City Manager and then misrepresented the facts to the press
Councilman Stevens Initiative to use Redevelopment Funds to place Light Rail below grade due to major traffic and safety issues modified and passed
Councilman Mike Stevens wins District 1 Council election 61.2% to 38.7%