Council Initiatives & Motions
#2B 3-12-2013 Councilman Stevens Forum project MOU Initiative
(118K)Council Initiative Synopsis: Initiative recommending MOU be approved between the City of Inglewood and the Center for Contract Compliance for labor law compliance monitoring since Madison Square Gardens did not adhere to the 1/29/2012 Owner Participation Agreement with the City of Inglewood and Faithful Central regarding paying prevailing wages in the first demo project at the Forum. Defeated 2-3 with Mayor Butts, Councilman Morales, and Councilman Franklin voting against. -
#2A 9-25-2012 Councilman Stevens RSI Code Violations policy change Initiative
(101K)Council Initiative Synopsis: Initiative recommending policy modification for the Inglewood Residential Sound Insulation Program. Initiative needs to be brought back for a vote. -
#1Z 9-25-2012 Councilman Stevens Organizational modifications Initiative
(99K)Council Initiative Synopsis: Initiative recommending organizational changes to top city management to bring back a single Assistant City Manager to reduce the "top heavy" multiple assistant City Manager structure. Initiative was not supported by any of Councilman Steven's colleagues. -
#1Y 9-25-2012 Councilman Stevens CIP Amendment Initiative
(103K)Council Initiative Synopsis: Initiative recommending modification to the CIP budget so a large percentage of $7 million dollars left in Gas Tax and Measure R Local Return accounts at the end of the Fiscal would be spent on repaving residential streets. Initiative did not have the required majority of votes to pass. -
#1W 8-28-2012 Councilman Stevens Sound Insulation Forensic Audit Initiative
(3.1M)Council Initiative Synopsis: Initiative recommending staff be directed to sent out an RFP to do a low level audit of the Inglewood Residential Sound Insulation Program. Initiative was not supported by any of Councilman Steven's colleagues. UPDATE 3/15/13: LAWA is requiring a low level audit back to 2006 before releasing funds -
#1V 8-28-2012 Councilman Stevens Resolution in support of Prop 36 Initiative
(120K)Council Initiative Synopsis: Initiative recommending Council approve a resolution supporting Prop 36. Prop 36 modifies the 3 strikes law that disproportionally impacts the poor and minorities especially young African American males. Resolution approved unanimously. -
#1U 8-21-2012 Councilman Stevens review 9th floor AC upgrade Initiative
(101K)Council Initiative Synopsis: Initiative recommending staff be directed to review the A/C upgrade project for the 9th floor executive offices for power savings and actual total costs. Discussion was held and direction was provided to staff. -
#1T 7-17-2012 Councilman Stevens End of Block Initiative
(101K)Council Initiative Synopsis: Initiative recommending staff be directed to re-implement the "End of Block" policy with regards to residential sound insulation. Unanimous Council decision to bring back in several weeks. -
#1S 7-10-2012 Councilman Stevens Centinela Fire Station/Light Rail Initiative
(103K)Council Initiative Synopsis: Initiative recommending staff be directed to pursue LA Metro for the cost of re-opening the Centinela Fire Station if the Florence/Centinela crossing is constructed at grade. Approved and direction given to staff. -
#1R 6-26-2012 Councilman Stevens Warrant Register Desc. Improving Initiative
(101K)Council Initiative Synopsis: Initiative recommending staff be directed to improve the payment description information in the Warrant Register to improve local governmental transparency. Approved and direction given to staff. -
#1Q 12-18-2012 Osage Villas Grab Bars Motion
(98K)Council Motion Synopsis: Initiative recommending un-obligated CDBG funds be utilized to outfit the bathrooms of housing units at Osage Senior Villas. Mayor did not allow Councilman Stevens to introduce the Motion. However, graciously at the request of the tenants with the support of Councilman Stevens the Owner agreed to install the grab bars -
#1P 11-13-2012 Councilman Stevens Osage Senior Villas grab bars Initiative
(98K)Council Initiative Synopsis: Initiative recommending allocating remaining CDBG funds to install ADA compliant grab bars in the bathrooms. Not voted on, direction given to staff to find out why grab bars were in approved plans but not installed. -
#1O 11-13-2012 Councilman Stevens Endeavour Dr. Initiative
(103K)Council Initiative Synopsis: Initiative recommending changing the name of Crenshaw Dr. to Endeavour Ln. Did not pass due to misinterpretation of street renaming ordinance, only applies to individuals. -
#1N 12-6-2011 Councilman Stevens Urban Garden Redev. Agency Owned Lot Initiative
(103K)Council Initiative Synopsis: Initiative recommending staff be directed to review, research, and establish urban garden regulations for Redevelopment Agency owned lots in the City. Pulled due to lack of support -
#1M 12-06-2011 Councilman Stevens Urban Gardens Privately Owned Lots Initiative
(103K)Council Initiative Synopsis: Initiative recommending staff be directed to review, research, and establish urban garden regulations for privately owned lots in the City. Pulled due to lack of support -
#1L 11-15-2011 Councilman Stevens Lax-Crenshaw Light Rail Initiative
(121K)Council Initiative synopsis: Initiative requesting that the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority be instructed to add Design Option 3, the Centinela/Florence undercrossing, as a bid option during the procurement process. Amended by a motion to specify communication and passed -
#1K 11-01-2011 Councilman Stevens Consultant Pay Limits Initiative
(107K)Council Initiative Synopsis: Initiative recommending staff be directed to review, research, and establish parameters including compensation that can be utilized to guide future hires of consultants to perform City services. Died for lack of a 2nd -
#1J 9-13-2011 Councilman Stevens Water Conservation Initiative
(581K)Council Initiative Synopsis: Initiative recommending staff be directed to review, research, and establish additional water conservation methods using the Sierra Club scorecard as a guideline. Pulled due to lack of support -
#1I 9-13-2011 Councilman Stevens Foreclosure Assistance Initiative
(546K)Council Initiative synopsis: Instructing City staff to research means to assist residents in foreclosure and report back in 45 days. Initiative passed -
#1H 8-14-2011 Councilman Stevens Sound Insulation Feasibility Study
(408K)Proposal to have City Staff do a Feasibility study for outsourcing the RSI Department. Submitted to City Council and Mayor in closed session and rejected due to no support -
#1G 8-09-2011 Councilman Stevens Lax-Crenshaw Light Rail Initiative
(416K)Council Initiative synopsis: Motion supporting Florence Centinela rail crossing below grade. Motion passed with minor language modifications -
#1F 8-09-2011 Councilman Stevens Lax-Crenshaw Light Rail Initiative
(415K)Council Initiative synopsis: Motion supporting Manchester Aviation Station. No support -
#1E 8-09-2011 Councilman Stevens Lax-Crenshaw Light Rail Initiative
(382K)Council Initiative synopsis: Motion supporting pedestrian bridge funding at Eucalyptus and Florence crossing and noise mitigation funding for nearby church. Not submitted due to no support -
#1D 8-8-2011 Councilman Stevens Comprehensive Sound Insulation Reform Initiative
(423K)Council Initiative synopsis: Proposal to bring in outside project management and supplement City RSI staff with contract labor all from the leading Sound Insulation Consulting Company. Submitted to City staff and rejected due to "too large of a contract for one company" -
#1C 8-02-2011 Councilman Stevens Lax-Crenshaw Light Rail Initiative
(500K)Council Initiative synopsis: Motion supporting Florence Centinela rail crossing below grade, Manchester Aviation station, and asking for additional 30 days noticing for the Final Environmental Statement/Report. Pulled since a letter from Councilman Stevens to State & Federal Officials succeeded in getting another 30 days -
#1B 8-02-2011 Councilman Stevens Lax-Crenshaw Light Rail Initiative
(439K)Council Initiative synopsis: Funding Design Option 3 Florence Centinela rail crossing below grade with $13.25 million in Redevelopment funds. Initiative modified by motion to request Tiger Grant funding and passed -
#1A 7-22-2011 Councilman Stevens Comprehensive Sound Insulation Reform
(421K)Proposal to outsource RSI Department. Submitted to City staff and rejected due to concerns about employee litigation