About Mike
Councilman Mike Stevens is considered by many to be one of the most powerful advocates for the people and small business in Inglewood politics today. He has gained a reputation for being fearless, outspoken, and a champion of transparency in Government.
Elected in March 2011 to his first term on the Inglewood City Council with a commanding 20 percent lead in the popular vote in the 1st District of Inglewood, Councilman Mike Stevens represents a large part of central and northeast Inglewood including all of Morningside Park, Briarwood and Carlton Square, the east portion of the Vincent Park area, the area west of Hollywood Park and the Forum, the areas around Daniel Freeman west to the old Inglewood downtown Market Street, and his District represents the largest voting bloc; close to half of the voters in the City of Inglewood.
In addition to serving as the 1st District Councilman, he serves on the board of the Inglewood Redevelopment Successor Agency.
Mike's Leadership
In his many years as a public figure, Mike Stevens has been on the cutting edge, tackling difficult and often controversial issues. He has combined his strong legislative and public policy acumen and high visibility in local community activities with an unusual ability to do grassroots organizing.
Prior to his election to the District 1 Council seat in 2011, Councilman Stevens had already attracted attention throughout the South Bay for his no-nonsense, no-holds-barred style of advocating for the 99%. Since the early 1990's when he successfully advocated for televising Inglewood Council meetings, he has fought and won many battles for the people of Inglewood and surrounding communities. He was responsible for one of the boldest changes in recent public policy Inglewood has seen: the change from using LAX airport noise mitigation funds for acquiring homes and bulldozing them to making the noise mitigation funds available for sound insulating Inglewood resident's homes.
As a co-founder of Alliance for a Regional Solution to Airport Congestion (ARSAC), and the founder and leader of LAX Expansion No (LAXEN), he has tirelessly fought for resident's rights and for the mitigation of harmful impacts of Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) both in Inglewood, and in the communities surrounding LAX against the behemoth City of Los Angeles Airport Authority, Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA).
He has used his skill to shape public policy: he has introduced at least two dozen Council Initiatives in just over a year as Councilman, a record-breaking pace, with the successful passage of many. The legislation incorporated everything from policy changes to speed the Inglewood Residential Sound Insulation project to attempts to mitigate major design flaws in the LAX/Crenshaw Light Rail Line project and much more. Please see for more details.
Councilman Stevens enjoys a broad cross section of support from the diverse members of the local community and surrounding areas.
Mike has managed several youth soccer teams and is a highly successful coach. He believes that youth competitive team sports are important in the community for building character in our children and is very supportive of youth sports organizations.
Councilman Mike Stevens is considered by many to be one of the most powerful advocates for the people and small business in Inglewood politics today. He has gained a reputation for being fearless, outspoken, and a champion of transparency in Government.
Elected in March 2011 to his first term on the Inglewood City Council with a commanding 20 percent lead in the popular vote in the 1st District of Inglewood, Councilman Mike Stevens represents a large part of central and northeast Inglewood including all of Morningside Park, Briarwood and Carlton Square, the east portion of the Vincent Park area, the area west of Hollywood Park and the Forum, the areas around Daniel Freeman west to the old Inglewood downtown Market Street, and his District represents the largest voting bloc; close to half of the voters in the City of Inglewood.
In addition to serving as the 1st District Councilman, he serves on the board of the Inglewood Redevelopment Successor Agency.
Mike's Leadership
In his many years as a public figure, Mike Stevens has been on the cutting edge, tackling difficult and often controversial issues. He has combined his strong legislative and public policy acumen and high visibility in local community activities with an unusual ability to do grassroots organizing.
Prior to his election to the District 1 Council seat in 2011, Councilman Stevens had already attracted attention throughout the South Bay for his no-nonsense, no-holds-barred style of advocating for the 99%. Since the early 1990's when he successfully advocated for televising Inglewood Council meetings, he has fought and won many battles for the people of Inglewood and surrounding communities. He was responsible for one of the boldest changes in recent public policy Inglewood has seen: the change from using LAX airport noise mitigation funds for acquiring homes and bulldozing them to making the noise mitigation funds available for sound insulating Inglewood resident's homes.
As a co-founder of Alliance for a Regional Solution to Airport Congestion (ARSAC), and the founder and leader of LAX Expansion No (LAXEN), he has tirelessly fought for resident's rights and for the mitigation of harmful impacts of Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) both in Inglewood, and in the communities surrounding LAX against the behemoth City of Los Angeles Airport Authority, Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA).
He has used his skill to shape public policy: he has introduced at least two dozen Council Initiatives in just over a year as Councilman, a record-breaking pace, with the successful passage of many. The legislation incorporated everything from policy changes to speed the Inglewood Residential Sound Insulation project to attempts to mitigate major design flaws in the LAX/Crenshaw Light Rail Line project and much more. Please see for more details.
Councilman Stevens enjoys a broad cross section of support from the diverse members of the local community and surrounding areas.
Mike has managed several youth soccer teams and is a highly successful coach. He believes that youth competitive team sports are important in the community for building character in our children and is very supportive of youth sports organizations.